How To Grow Email List With Facebook Followers
Email marketing is one of the most popular types of digital marketing. Emails have proven to be more effective, as most of the buyers have claimed that they received an email which generated the desire to make the purchase. But before you do that you need to create an email list. Yes, you have to create it you cannot go and buy it in the market, you need to target the right audience and should have their consent before you email them products and services related information and offers.
You don’t want to waste your time and efforts on people who are not even interested in what you do, all you need to do is find those people who might be interested in what you have to say. So, you need to have a proper strategy before you start doing it. There are many ways using which you can get email subscribers and one of them are Facebook ads.
You know how big the Facebook platform is and greater opportunities that it can bring for your business. Facebook ads have proven to be beneficial for getting more subscriber. One thing that you should know beforehand is that it involves both money and time, so you need to have some budget for the same and there is no surety that all the adds will bring sales for you, some may fail completely and other may bring you more buyers. Let us understand the benefits that Facebook ads can bring to grow your email list.
- It has large number of users– Facebook is a global networking site and most of the population from teenagers to senior citizens use it. It is a great network for doing marketing, Facebook has over 2 billion monthly active users and many users use it regularly. It is such a ubiquitous part of our lives that no matter who your target audience is, you know that you can find them on Facebook.
- Reach your target audience– Facebook ads allow you to get highlighted in the company’s eyes and opens better targeting options for you. As you haven’t set all the people as you target audience, so you need to create categories based on age groups, geographical location, the interest of the users, current buyers etc.
- Establish connection at the right moment– Users are not willing to listen all the time, you need to find the right time and right way to communicate. facebook’s targeting options control the timing of when you reach people. You can establish a connection on special occasions like birthday’s, anniversary or any happy occasion. As the person is happy he is more willing to listen and appreciate what someone says, this increases your chance to get a subscriber. You can target users as per your products, for example, if your business items that make great gifts, then target ads to people who have anniversaries and birthday. In addition to this, Valentine’s week is a great time for you to increase your sales as buying gifts for special someone during Valentine’s week is a way to show affection and it is quite popular among youngsters. You can target youngster during that time period. This way you can establish contact at the right time.
- Retaining daily viewers– a lot of people who visit your site or who interact with your brand may not show immediate interest to buy the products. You have to pursue them to retain. With marketing, you can serve ads to people who have already interacted with you so that your brand is present just a click away. Sooner or later the user will show interest and agree for email sign up to get the latest information and offers.
How To Use Facebook To Grow Your Email List?
Here is the list of things that you need to keep in mind while creating an email list with Facebook Followers:
Develop An Email Marketing Plan
First things first, before you start using Facebook to grow your list. You need to sort out your priorities, you need to know where you are heading and what results you want to bring with email marketing. There’s no point in gaining subscribers if you’re not ready to provides the required information and offers on right time. You need to plan the types of emails you will send, set a schedule for the same. You can schedule your email newsletter on a monthly and weekly basis and sending links for your latest contents to keep the subscribers engaged. You can send promotional email to those subscribers who have some knowledge about your brand and had some good experience with your products. Good experiences with brands create loyalty and trust on behalf of the customers.
Clarify Your Target Audience
Next step is knowing the right audience, Facebook allows to categories and narrow down the viewers so that your ads reach the people who you have targeted, you can set categories based on:
- Age group
- Gender
- Geographical location
- Work they do
- Relationship status
- What Languages are spoken
- Areas of interest
- Types of pages they follow
- Financial status
- Political views and preferences
- Educational level
- Have interacted earlier or not
- New customers or old customers
This categorization will help you to present your ads to the right person so that you don’t spend money on people who are not interested in what you do.
Set Your Budget
As we have told you earlier that advertising on Facebook will need some money. So you need to prepare a budget based on what you can afford. You can set a daily budget for your ads and decide whether to do bidding manually on ads or let Facebook do it for you. Automatic bidding is the best option for you if you don’t know how it is done and don’t want to miss out any opportunity for your business. Facebook does advertising based on the PPC model (pay-per-click) basis. You only pay for the adds that are clicked, but there is a drawback of automatic bidding as it has been observed that sometimes Facebook launches add on pages and sites that are not related to your business and users click on ads but show no interest in what you want to say. So such ads bring you zero benefit. What we would suggest is, you let Facebook do it when you have just started out and are unaware of the process and in meantime, you learn how you can do bidding on you own and do it yourself after that to keep a check on cost. Remember more you’re able to spend, the more people will see and interact with your ads.
Determine The Information To Be Collected
You are making all the efforts to collect email addresses, but having additional information will always be beneficial to provide better emails to new subscribers. You can ask information like, first and last name, country, state, city, contact number, etc. You can choose more or less filed as per your wish. You need to set a perfect length of your signup form, adding more fields will lose engagement and adding fewer fields will provide you with insufficient information to make future estimates. Most of the business prefer to stick with the name, email address and contact number (for verification purposes) in their sign up forms.
Create Eye-Catching Visuals For Your Ads
Images and visual content is more attention-grabbing than plain text. So make sure add multiple attractive images in your ads. The images added should be related to your business and not something irrelevant. As you don’t want to make any false claims to the subscribers. Show them attractively what you want to serve them and their acceptance of email subscription will bring them 1 step closer.
Add A Copy That Shows Benefits Of The Subscriptions
Yes, images are more attention-grabbing but in ads, they can’t say all the words. You need to accompany your images with some text that says something about your business, page or products so that the subscribers know what they are getting into. Make sure to highlight all the benefits that can be availed from your subscription. How you can help them in case of problems? What new you can bring for them?
Relevant Email Drip Campaign For New Subscribers
Mere getting subscribers is not enough, it is important to manage them and feed them information from time to time. To make a subscriber feel important, you can mail some welcomes emails appreciating their subscription and how important they are for you and you will try with all your efforts to provide them good quality content, products or services. All you ask in return is their support. You can use these initial emails to give a glimpse of expectation from your email list and provide them with a joining discount offer or a coupon to generate shopping interest. When you provide such attention to the subscribers it makes them feel special and their retention rate increases by 40%.
Run Test
You may have to run some test before you can get the right way to influence the audience. You can run some ads to find the right one for you. Pay continuous attention to both Facebook and emails analytics to see where you are heading. You can try and test different images, CTAs and copies to see which influences audiences the most.
With time, you will learn the habits of your subscribers and understand how people respond to certain ads and that experience will help you develop strategies for your future subscribers. This knowledge will run better ads, strengthening email marketing campaigns and better customer services.
Facebook is the most prominent social media network for marketing and it is a great way to generate leads for your business. All you need to do is target the right audience based on set categories and set your target audience whom you would like to send emails. Mere getting email subscriptions is not enough you have to provide relevant content, information and offers to the customers to keep them engaged. Don’t forget to appreciate the subscriptions of new sign-ups and tell them how important they are for you. Stay true to the customer always, don’t make any false claims. This will help you to build trust with the subscribers in the long run and loyal customers are the one that helps your business to grow.
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