100+ Websites to Learn Coding
Everyone can learn coding. Gone are the days when programming languages could only be mastered by programmers like Bill Gates. Everyone can automate tasks, program Excel sheets, improve workflows, extract data from websites, and do much more with code. You may not write software, but if you know the basics of coding, you can communicate more effectively with developers.
Don’t just download the latest app, help redesign it. Don’t just play on your phone, program it. — Obama.
The Best Sites to Learn Programming Language
HTML & CSS: Code Academy, Don’t Fear The Internet, Tutsplus, Learn Layout, A to Z CSS, Dash, Web Accessibility, The Hello World, Khan Academy, HTML5 from Scratch
JavaScript: Code Academy, Learn Street, Code Combat, Code Avengers
jQuery: Code Academy, Tutsplus, Code School
PHP: Code Academy, Php.net, PhpBuddy, Tizag, W3schools, Killer Php, Learn Php Tutorial
Perl: Perlmonks, Beginning Perl, Impatient Perl, Learning Perl, Seekers of Perl Wisdom
Python: Code Academy, Google, Learn Street, Python Tutor, IHeartPY
C / C++: WiBit.Net, Cprogramming, LearnCpp, Cplusplus, Academictutorials, Coursera
ExtJs: Learning ExtJS, Codementor, ExtJS Tutorial, Mapfish
Java: Learn Java, Coding Bat, Java Udemy, Learneroo
Spring: Javat Point, Spring Tuts, Dzone Learn Spring, Tutorials Point
Ruby & Ruby on Rails: Code Academy, TryRubyCode Learn, Railscasts, Rubymonk, Learn Street
Node.js: Nodetuts, Node School
Angular JS: Code School, Egg Head, Learn Angular
D3 (data visualization): Data Visualization for the Web, Dashing D3, D3 Tips & Tricks
Django: The Django Book, lanyrd Django Videos, Django Documentation, Started With Django
SQL (Databases): SQL Zoo, SQL Stanford, Essential SQL, SQL for Nerds, Intro to SQL, SQL Bolt, MySQL
WordPress: Treehouse, WordPress TV
Linux & Shell Scripting: Stanford.edu, Explain Shell
Chrome Dev Tools: Code School, Dev Tools Secret, Udacity, Building Browser Apps
Go Language: Golang.org, GopherCasts
Simple SEO Hacks to Increase Website Traffic
Everyone can learn coding. Gone are the days when programming languages could only be mastered by programmers like Bill Gates. Everyone can automate tasks, program Excel sheets, improve workflows, extract data from websites, and do much more with code. You may not write software, but if you know the basics of coding, you can communicate …
Top 100 Google search terms in the USA (till October 2019)
Everyone can learn coding. Gone are the days when programming languages could only be mastered by programmers like Bill Gates. Everyone can automate tasks, program Excel sheets, improve workflows, extract data from websites, and do much more with code. You may not write software, but if you know the basics of coding, you can communicate …